The Shack: Asian Theme Night

Hubby and I weren’t sure we were going to be able to make Tuesday’s at the Shack last week because of grandma’s surgery on her leg after falling last Monday.  After we left the hospital we ran home so I could change clothes.  I walked into the shack eating a Popsicle.  They gave me fits […]

The Shack: Breakfast

Hubby and I were actually able to make it to a Tuesday night dinner up at the shack this week.  It cracks me up because the theme was Breakfast which was what the theme for our Sunday Night Dinner was.  Great Minds think a like.  There was some fabulous food there too I must say! […]

Why Don't I Weigh a Ton?!?!

Welcome Thursday!  You’re one day closer to the weekend!  And even though you are probably my least favorite day of the week, I’m still happy to see you.  Can we be friends? So Tuesday night hubby and I were able to make it up to The Shack again for dinner.  It cracks me up because […]